Relentless Pursuit of Wisdom and Liberty

The weblog companion of, dedicated to pondering, "If Patrick Henry could see us now..."

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Social Security column in OC Register

I was fortunate enough to get a rebuttal column printed by the Orange County Register on Sunday 30 January. I wrote it in response to this column (registration required, or bypass using BugMeNot) from 16 January. I'm very excited about my continuing development as a writer, and I look forward with anticipation to my next opportunity to get printed. You just never know where something like this will lead, in terms of networking opportunities, etc. I got a call yesterday from one of the leaders of a Rotary Club group in south Orange County who wants me to come speak about Social Security reform - what a trip!

Read my column here, as always, comments welcome!

Welcome to everyone visiting from Rich Outten's blog - thanks for the plug, Rich!


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